Accent Base: "Communication is all"

Newcastle, Tyne & Wear, England, UK (Female from NE28)

A female "Geordie" accent from NE28, Newcastle, Tyne & Wear, England, UK.

Spoken monologue

Hover your mouse over each word to view the IPA. The full IPA transcription is given underneath. For more information on IPA, click here.

Hello and welcome to the Accent Base hub. I'm talking to you today to help you understand my local accent. I'm proud to come from [REGION] and the city welcomes tourists and visitors of every kind from everywhere, near and far. I hope you enjoy your stay.

If you're not sure you understood this clearly, please listen to every word again. Thank you for listening"

heləʊ/ /ænd/ /welkʌm/ /tə/ /thɪː/ /æksent/ /beɪs/ /hʌb/. /ɑɪm/ /tɔːkɪŋ/ /tə/ /ju:/ /tədeɪ/ /tə/ /help/ /juː/ /ʌndəstænd/ /mɑɪ/ /ləʊkəl/ /æksent/. /ɑɪm/ /prɑʊd/ /tə/ /kʌm/ /frɒm/ /lɪvəpuːl/ /ənd/ /ðə/ /sɪtɪː/ /welkʌmz/ /tɔːrɪsts/ /ənd/ /vɪsɪtəs/ /əv/ /everɪː/ /kɑɪnd/ /frəm/ /evrɪːweə/ /nɪə/ /ənd/ /fɑː/. /aɪ/ /həʊp/ /juː/ /endʒɔɪː/ /jɔː/ /steɪ/.

/ɪf / /jɔː/ /nɒt/ /ʃjɔː/ /juː/ /ʌndəstʊd/ /ðɪs/ /klɪelɪː/, /plɪːz/ /lɪsən/ /tuː/ /evrɪː/ /wɛːd/ /ageɪn/. /θænk/ /juː/ /fɔː/ /lɪsənɪŋ/.

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